TUESDAY, 330: Cayuga Ridge Nursing Home Fair Contract Rally
WHO: Nursing Home Workers Represented by 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East WHAT: Rally WHEN: Tuesday, September 14th from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.**Press Conference at 4 p.m. WHERE: Cayuga Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, 1229 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca. If driving, please park at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church right next door @ 1219 T-Burg Rd! WHY: The […]
The forgotten fourth element of Excluded Workers Fund (EWF) eligibility
Residency, unemployment ineligibility, and loss of work-related earnings or increased financial burden due to death or disability of primary breadwinner. The Excluded Workers Fund was passed on April 8th after a tireless effort by community-based organizations that included a 23-day hunger strike. In July, the Department of Labor issued regulations for the fund’s implementation. The […]
More than $850M in Excluded Workers Fund benefits allocated; payments are ahead of schedule, according to Hochul
Governor Hochul announced last week that $250 million of the $2.1 billion Excluded Workers Fund (EWF) have already been released. An additional $600 million has been approved as of September 3. The fund provides up to $15,600 in direct cash assistance to workers shut-out of traditional state unemployment and federal COVID relief programs. Speaking to […]
COVID-19 Designated Highly Contagious and Communicable Disease under the NY HERO Act
The Commissioner of Health designated COVID-19 a “highly contagious and communicable disease” on Monday, mandating extensive new health and safety requirements for all employers. The NY HERO Act increases worker safety against airborne communicable diseases and strengthens prevention against workplace infections. Under the law, all employers are required to adopt a workplace safety plan and […]