Over 1000 UAW Workers Go on Strike @ Cornell: PICKETS Begin

UAW 2300 members at Cornell are officially on strike for a fair contract. Workers are striking for an end to tiers, a yearly Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) and, of course, record raises to match Cornell’s record endowment gains.

UAW 2300 will have pickets set up at 6 locations today. Pickets will be going all day. This is a historic strike, and we need to show these workers that the community is behind them all the way. Stay tuned for updates and more calls for solidarity!

Beginning at 7 am today/Monday, UAW will have active pickets at the following locations:
Day Hall
Campus Rd and Hoy Rd(near Bill & Melinda Gates Hall)
Campus Rd and Tower Rd(near the vet hospital)

At 8 am, pickets will start at these locations:
Shops at Ithaca Mall
University Ave and West Ave Triangle
Triphammer Rd and Jessup Rd (near Jessup Field and A Lot)

Community members are strongly encouraged to join the picket line in solidarity with UAW 2300 members. Follow UAW on Facebook and Instagram for further updates