Greenstar Food Coop Workers File For Union Election

Workers at the Cascadilla St. Greenstar location filed for election with the National Labor Relations Board this week, marking the first time workers at the co-op have done so. This comes less than two weeks after workers first announced their intention to organize on July 26th. “We were pleasantly shocked at how many of our co-workers wanted to join us as word quickly spread”- David Meyers, Delivery Driver.

Workers have been in communication with management since going public with their campaign, and hope that Greenstar will agree to a fair election process, and live by the democratic values espoused by the co-op. “As someone who has been at the co-op for 25 years, it’s fair to say I love Greenstar, and I want to make it the best place it can be. That’s why I’m here with my coworkers today, so we can work to do just that. Let it be said, we hope management does the right thing and agrees to a fair election process and doesn’t fight us in our effort to make this the place is should be, one that believes in empowering workers”- Joe Damiano, a replenishment buyer, and one of the most senior people at Greenstar.

“We love GreenStar and want to make it the best possible workplace it can be! A collective voice through collective bargaining just makes sense at a co-op.”- Maxwell Bollman, Daytime Production Cook.

An election will now be scheduled in the following days for the around 120 workers at the Cascadilla location.

The TCWC has been intimate to this campaign since the workers began to organize. Stories here in the Ithaca Voice and the Ithaca Times.