NYS DOL’s EWF Whitepaper Highlights Recipient Helped by TCWC
The New York State Department of Labor published a whitepaper about the Excluded Workers’ Fund. The paper highlighted the importance of having a program to support workers excluded from traditional unemployment insurance and federal pandemic unemployment assistance, most of whom are undocumented.
It also illustrated the positive impact the Fund had in the lives of EWF recipients through quotes relaying first-hand accounts of those who benefited from the program. One such quote was taken from a recipient, quoted as D.R., that the Tompkins County Workers’ Center assisted in applying for the program.
I was cooking at home and doing good business. But then COVID hit and I was making $20 a week. Some weeks nothing. This was our life. When I first heard about EWF I didn’t think it was possible, but now I am excited. I called my daughter and said “We got it!” She said, “How much?” and I said “$15,000.” She couldn’t believe it. We have been evicted twice in the last three years, most recently just a month ago. This will be the last time. It won’t happen again. I told myself that if we get the money, it will go toward a down payment on a house.”