Community Union Organizers Start Back Up!
Want to be an excellent troublemaker at work? Are there some things seriously messed up at your job? Is your pay too low to really live on? Crazy hours? Work assignments too much? A boss who micro-manages or bullies or who can’t listen to any suggestions? If so – and you want to do something about it… here’s an invitation:

Join other workers from around Ithaca who are learning how to get together with their co-workers, identify problems at work, and build some power to change things. The boss calls this “troublemaking” but we call it “organizing.”
Maybe you want to start a union? Maybe you are in a union, but it’s not doing much? Maybe you just want to have more of a voice in how things go at work? Whatever your situation, you’re welcome to drop in anytime, sit around with other troublemakers and experienced labor organizers, get encouragement and help thinking things through.
We call it Community Union Organizers, and it’s a little like coming home to a family you didn’t know you had. Drop by any Monday*, from 6:00-7:00pm at Washington Park in downtown Ithaca (or the Tompkins County Workers’ Center in bad weather). For more information contact Ellen David Friedman <> or 607-216-5476.
*(NOTE-we won’t be meeting on Monday July 5)