Congrats and Thank You to Theresa Alt and Wayles Browne: Longtime TCWC Member Leaders
Many thanks and congratulations to longtime Tompkins County Workers’ Center (TCWC) Member Leaders, Theresa Alt and Wayles Browne, who used their recent 10th Wedding Anniversary celebration as an occasion for asking friends and family to make donations to the Workers’ Center in lieu of gifts to them.
Being a rural Workers’ Center, the TCWC relies very much on our grassroots base of members and supporters to make our work for economic justice happen: by strongly advocating for a Living Wage in all that we do, encouraging grassroots organizing in workplaces, fighting against Wage Theft, discrimination and all manner of unfair workplaces. Jobs with Justice, our national network partner, will match every donation we receive up to $10,000 between December 1st and December 31st. Your monthly or one-time gifts will help us reach this goal!
We count on YOU, our larger community of like-minded individuals to keep our work growing and deepening. If you are down with our Mission, please consider playing a role in growing out this movement by looking at our TCWC Guidebook for Fundraising.