Stand with Striking Verizon Workers: Tuesday, 4/26 (12-2) in Ithaca
Who/What: We, the Community and Striking Verizon Workers
Where: Verizon Store @ Tops Plaza on Meadow Street in Ithaca [parking easily accessible throughout Tops Plaza]
When: Tuesday, April 26th, from 12-2 p.m.
Please join the Tompkins County Workers’ Center in our show of support and solidarity with workers from the Communications Workers of America who are among the 15,000 workers in New York on strike at Verizon. [See detailed fact sheet here.]
Verizon workers from Massachusetts to Virginia are on strike because management refuses to back off its demands that would destroy good jobs. Verizon is a stunningly profitable and greedy corporation that cares nothing about consumers and workers. Their only objective is to line the pockets of executives and drive up their Wall Street share price.
April 26, 2016 @ 12:09 pm
Dear Verizon Workers,
Good luck and good will today! While we could not attend the strike today, we support you in our hearts and minds! We stand with you in solidarity, and hope to help your mission in any way that we can. Your fight against the greed and profit-oriented power of Verizon has our full support. Please let us know what we can do to help! You can reach us at cola-organize@gmailcom or 718-612-5586!
Solidarity and love from the Cornell Organization for Labor Action