Anna G. and Thousands Like Her Need a Living Wage: Sign the Petition!
Sign the Petition: I Support Raising the Minimum Wage to a Living Wage in Tompkins County!
“For the past two years, I have worked 40 hours a week as a Direct Support Professional with developmentally disabled adults in Tompkins County. I make $11.06/hour. The biggest problem I face is being constantly in debt. I have 2 daughters and we live paycheck to paycheck. We never know if we’ll have enough to make all the bills. I eat once a day and depend on Public Assistance (Medicaid). We pay $600/month rent for a small two bedroom house on the edges of the Tompkins County; but our landlord is a slumlord. Paid $2000 for kerosene last winter and now have to get ready to purchase it for the upcoming winter season. I feel depressed about the wages-can’t even take in a movie with my kids, let alone help them through college.” (Anna G. who came to the Workers’ Center about our campaign)

The Living Wage in Tompkins County is $14.34/hour. We believe the cost of doing business in Tompkins County MUST INCLUDE the dignity and worth of each human being that is PERFORMING that work. Our campaign is linked to and part of the statewide and national Fight for $15 movement.
If you’re wondering how YOU can support this groundbreaking campaign, here’s how you can help:
- Sign our petition online at and share it on FB and among friends, family and co-workers. If you need hard copies, please contact the TCWC at or call us at 607-269-0409);
- Write or call your County Legislator and ask them to support this important move on behalf of those here who work for absolute poverty wages (if you don’t know who your Legislator is, contact the TCWC);
- Testify, along with others, at a County Legislature meeting in the near future. Legislators need to see that voters are behind a Living Wage. Let us know if you’re interested!
- Read our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) sheet online at:
- Sign up as a campaign volunteer (tabling, petitioning, mailings);
- Donate financially as we are seeking to hire more organizers for the campaign.
As Kshame Sawant, City Councilperson who lead the movement in Seattle for a $15/hour minimum wage last year, said: “This did not happen because the government suddenly decided to care about workers. We made it happen. We left them with no choice. They could either support us or be swept aside into the dustbin of history. That is how it’s going to be.”
February 7, 2016 @ 8:07 am
Perhaps if the wage was liveable we would have less on public assistance and more informants but hey who am I, I just love here with a small child trying to make ends meet.
February 7, 2016 @ 8:09 am
Perhaps if the wage was higher we will oils have less on public assistance, but who am I but a single mother trying to make ends meet.
February 27, 2016 @ 11:14 am
Thank you! $15/hour is just barely enough for one person to live on in Tompkins County. I know, that is what I was making.
It is time for the minimum wage to go up!