Tompkins County: Fight for $15 National Day of Action
On Tuesday, November 10th, from 4:30 to 6 p.m., at Bank Alley (corner of Seneca and Tioga Sts., and across the street from Starbucks) in Ithaca, NY, we will stand as and with all the underpaid Tompkins County residents who work in service and retail jobs across the board to demand a Living Wage for all. If you can attend the event, please go to our Facebook page indicating so.

The Tompkins County Workers’ Center is spearheading a campaign locally that plugs into the national Fight for $15 movement with our own creative version of a Countywide Minimum Wage that is a Living Wage (presently $14.34/hour) for every single worker in the County. With a solid strategic plan to make this happen, working its way through the County Legislature and then State government, we need YOUR HELP to make this a reality!